"I can't say that I've served in the same capacity on any world before but all worlds are sacred, something that the Phoenix have known for a very long while. All worlds are willing to have a conversation but often they voices are muddled and directionless. On this world, the conversations are direct and are for the reason we are where we are today, thanks to the early settlers who founded this path." She explained to the Hotaru.
The group would be led to a small stone basin with water. Tsugumi took the lead with the custom, perhaps to show her guests in case they weren't familiar with the tradition, they were foreigners after all. She would wait for them to follow the same lead before continuing.
They were led toward a rough-looking courtyard, much of the ground are uneven patches of rock, fungal patches, and mud. There are a few short rock stumps that aren't taller than most people's waist. Either there isn't much care to the grounds or it was some attempt to make the place look more ancient than it really was. They did pass by one of the statues in questions with four arms.
"Here is the courtyard where we perform our training routines. The founders choose this land because of its connection to four elements, earth and water are quite obvious as you can see," she gestures with her hand. "There is much thermal energy found beneath us, much of it is actually responsible for the rock formations you see around us. Finally, much wind travels through the cliffside and the pagoda creates an excellent conductor and vantage point."